Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Missing the Mets: A Fans Plea

On December 9, 2011, WOFX-AM announced they were terminating the broadcast of New York Mets games in the captial region, in favor of the Boston Red Sox. (I spread the news as soon as I heard it). The first few games I was able to watch as they did not coencide with Yankees games, however, that quickly faded and I found myself struggling to hear the feed for WFAN in New York City. Eventually, the signal became completely inaudible and I lost the Mets for good. Now, there are some days I can stream home games on my I-Phone, but those days are few and far between. It just seems to me that as a New Yorker, I should be able to access a Mets radio station with no problem.
I've tried streaming, but can't stream every game. I've tried to listen to WFAN, but can hear only static. I've even tried listening to opposing radio broadcasts, but as they say, there really is no place like home! And so, I beg you. I IMPLORE you! There are an abundance of radio stations in the capital district. There must be ONE that could carry the Mets games!

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